Club Spotlight: The Key Club
Information about the Key Club
President of the Key Club junior Ishaan Trehan
September 30, 2022
The Key Club is a student-run organization dedicated to serving the community and equipping leaders of the future. During Covid, the Key Club disbanded except for one member who was determined to keep it alive – junior Ishaan Trehan.
“So, unfortunately, Key Club is not about keys,” Trehan said. “Key Club is this organization that’s dedicated solely to serving the community and equipping the leaders of tomorrow. We live mostly for ourselves, like, probably 90-95% of everything we do. And though it’s kind of unrealistic to always be thinking about others because we have to care about our own needs, the Key Club is an opportunity to just solely care and love the community. And I think that’s what makes it really unique as an organization.”
Covid harmed the Key club in a few ways, the leaders graduated and members moved, except one person. This year Trehan said he is trying his best to make the Key Club one of the most popular clubs at LHS.
“COVID really damaged our organization,” Trehan said. “And on top of that, most of our leaders last year were seniors and then the one other person left, so I was the only person left. I believe that this organization is meant to be more than just me with a little money, right? So I was like, Okay, I’m on a mission to make this the biggest afterschool club. So that’s what I’ve done via email. I’ve recruited a bunch of people that I think are interested from all sorts of different classes that I think have demonstrated some sort of leadership.”
Key Club is an international organization with clubs all over the nation. Trehan said one of his biggest goals is to take the club to the next level.
“Since Key Club is an international organization, we want to have a presence, at least on the national level this year,” Trehan said. “And so there’s many ways we can do that. During my sophomore year, it was very much an LHS thing which is good because we want to impact LHS, but we can do a lot more [this year] if we apply for a nationwide position. So I’m trying to integrate people’s competitive skill sets into a way that really promotes the club into [a national scale.]”
The Key Club is a club dedicated to creating the leaders of tomorrow. Trehan said some join for self interest or some join to make their college applications look better. But, Trehan believes that’s not the only benefit of The Key Club.
“But even if [self interest is] what motivates you to serve for now, it’s better than not serving at all, by all means,” Trehan said. “I think that there’s tremendous benefit in serving, not only because of how it equips you with all the skills you wouldn’t otherwise get from school. Various scientific studies have shown happy people are those that volunteer amd those that give back. So this is something that’s actually quite necessary. So many people are unhappy and dissatisfied with their life. Sometimes there’s a lack of ambition going on. Sometimes there’s just all these other external forces that weigh on an individual service as a way to kind of alleviate that stress and you’re also helping others too.”
If you are interested in the Key Club the Google Classroom is, ywckgxu.