Lending a hand to the homeless
Seniors create project to donate to homeless community
Signs like these are hanging up all around the school. The last day to donate is December 14.
December 13, 2017
Every IB student must conduct a service project to help the community or world in some way once during their time in the program. This is for CAS, the creative, active and service component of IB. For eleven of the current IB seniors this meant starting a supply drive to donate to the homeless in downtown Austin.
“I think that this CAS project is definitely allowing us to understand our community better and recognize a side of the holiday season that we may not think about,” Megan Marshall said. “CAS was made for us to be able to do something more significant with our time, and I definitely believe that is what we are doing by helping the homeless people in our area. They deserve to have a happier, healthier Christmas.”
The group will be donating to Front Steps, a local shelter in the middle of downtown Austin. There are hundreds of homeless people in Austin, and the shelters are depending on donations to continue servicing the less fortunate. The students are asking for coats, socks, blankets and hygiene products like deoderant, disposable razors and combs.
“I think the homeless are a neglected portion of our community,” Emma Aldred said. “Although food donations are vital, we can’t neglect the importance of hygiene and their health. That is why our project is focusing on hygiene items so that we can help make the homeless a little healthier and hopefully a little happier too.”
The last day to donate will be December 14. The items can be donated to teachers offering extra credit for it, the library or to Mr. Shaw for NHS.