From Leander to Los Angeles
Labay performs her Blue Belle captain’s solo during Spring Show.
May 15, 2015
Besides going and seeing a movie there’s really not a lot to do in little Leander; Los Angeles is a hustle and bustle city offering a bright future to those that are willing to venture out. To go from Leander to Los Angeles is, needless to say, a very big change. Senior Kourtnie Labay plans to take on this change and go audition around Los Angeles for different dance companies.
The Edge scholarship program in LA is one of the main companies that Labay is planning to audition for. The Edge program helps and trains dancers so that are more prepared for commercial auditions. At the end of the year, they host a show and invite agencies that will hire the dancers to do commercial work. Only ten girls and ten guys make the cut for the program.
“I’m nervous because there’s a lot of people trying out, and it’s nerve-racking because I don’t know anybody that’s out there,” Labay said.
Labay was inspired to try out for this program by previous Blue Belle captains.
“The past few captains have gone to the Edge,” Labay said. “I talked to Julia Fife about it a little bit, and then my teacher at Dancer’s Workshop also went through the process and made it and was living out there, so she’s helped me with that too.”

Labay dances with her fellow officers in Suitcase, one of the officer routines in Spring Show.
One of the things her teacher from Dancer’s Workshop recommended for the program was “getting a look”. So Labay dyed her hair a darker color.
“I think it helps [to have a look],” Labay said. “Because mostly when people graduate high school, girls don’t think about what they look like as much. And I think that motivates me to always stay in shape, look my best and be at my best.”
Besides dying her hair Labay has been flying out to LA to take a couple of classes to prepare before she tries out in August.
“I went out during spring break and I learned from teachers there,” Labay said. “There are teachers that are coming to teach at Dancer’s Workshop and I’m going to take those classes. Then I’m probably going to go up [to LA] one more time before auditions to kind of get my face shown.”
Labay’s living situation in LA hasn’t been completely decided yet. After auditions for the Edge in August, she’ll have a better idea of where she’ll be living.
“I don’t know anything yet because the audition is in August,” Labay said. “Most likely if I do make it, I’ll probably live in an apartment. Hopefully with a roommate that’s also a part of the program.”
Dancing and living in LA will be completely different than her life in Leander, but Labay is excited for her life after high school.
“It kind of freaks me out but it’s exciting,” Labay said. “Because it’s like a whole new life and I’ll be in charge of myself, and I’ll get to meet new people.”