The beauty of music
Evan Hays playing guitar.
January 23, 2015
Music is something composed of beats, rhythms and sounds that has been around for centuries. It has a different meaning for most people. Some couldn’t care less for it and some live and breathe it.
Evan Hays is a sophomore musician who lives and breathes music. He can play a variety of instruments and creates his own songs and lyrics.
“What is music? That’s the ultimate question,” Hays said, “Music is always there whether you’re listening to it or playing it, it’s just something for everyone. I don’t think it’s any one thing. That’s what’s so cool about it. It’s different for every person.”
Ever since he was young Hays has loved music. It’s his true passion and his favorite side hobby.
“I was always, even as little kid, listening to music, and trying to be in a band,” Hays said, “I actually played violin first and then found my way to piano, and both of those I liked, but once I first played guitar I realized that was the best fit for me and that was gonna be my primary source of music.”
In the world there’s a large variety of instruments each with a different sound, and personality. Most musicians have a favorite instrument and Hays’s favorite is by far his guitar.
“I was talking to my friend Bennett Whalen once about Buddhism,” Hays said, “and how you’re not suppose to love material items while we were in a guitar shop and I told him if I were a Buddhist being in here wouldn’t help me because I have such a love for all these material items. My friend had a great point saying instruments are called instruments because they’re not material things, they’re an apparatus through which you can obtain music.”
The future is a thing often talked about whether it be plans for it or fears of it. Hays has a definite idea of what he’s going to do for the future and what it is going to involve.
“Everybody has an idea of what they want to do,” Hays said, “and for me it’s always been I want to be in a band and if I’m not in a band its gonna be something artistic. If I’m acting it’s gonna be musicals, if I’m writing screenplays I’m gonna have a say in the composition but hopefully I’ll get my first choice and be able to play guitar for a living.”