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Students work summer jobs to gain experience

Kyle Gehman

Logan’s Roadhouse at 1890 Ranch. Being a waiter is one of the most common jobs held by teens according to a poll on familyeducation.

by Kyle Gehman, Staff Writer

While most students spent their summers travelling the country, relaxing at the lake, and staying home to sleep in and watch Netflix, some students have been working jobs throughout the summer.

“I traveled to Europe and it was an amazing trip,” sophomore Elanna Hawkins said. “It would have been nice to have gotten the experience and money that you get from a summer job.”

Several students worked as life guards at pools all around Cedar Park and Leander. Lifeguarding only takes 3 or 4 days to become certified so students who needed training to become lifeguards had time to become certified. With the summer temperatures reaching 100 degrees most days, the pools were filled with people so life guarding spots were needed everywhere.

“I worked at about five different pools around Cedar Park and Leander,” sophomore Ellie Butler said. “I worked for The Company for Lifeguards for Hire and it was great. They had good hours, great people to work there, and being at the pools were fun.”

Another common job students worked during the summer was working at restaurants. According to a poll on familyeducation being an employee at a restaurant is one of the most common jobs. Having the 1890 Ranch shopping center only 10 minutes away from campus, and with over 25 restaurants in the shopping center, this was a regular spot for students to be working at. 

“I really enjoy meeting people and getting to know my co-workers,” employee at Logan’s Roadhouse Carter Wiseman said. “It’s also always good to have something to do to keep me busy.”

Many students took less common jobs over this summer. From lawn mowing to working in retirement homes, students still found ways to earn some money. Sophomore Ellenna Martinez worked at the Highland Estates retirement home most of the summer.

“I liked hearing all of the stories the residents have,” Martinez said. “I also liked the fast paced shifts, and it was nice to be able to save money for college and school shirts, yearbooks, and theater fees.”

Students worked many different jobs this summer for many different reasons but one of the most important things to come out of working summer jobs was experience in being in the service industry that may come to use even as they graduate.

“I think being able to experience working this young will really help me,” said Wiseman. “It’ll help me in the future with job experience and work references.”