Creating a habit of kindness
Student made banner for the 21 Days of Kindness
March 25, 2015
It takes 21 days to start a habit, and for C2 that habit is kindness. The 21 Days of Kindness is a campus-wide event hosted by the anti-bullying organization, C2. It consists of kind and helpful activities assigned to 21 different school days in March and April.
“There are ultimately two goals of the 21 Days of Kindness,” senior Jasmine Peralez said. “The first is to spread kindness throughout the school through small acts of appreciation, uplifting other people, etc. The second is to remind people that a goal of being someone who spreads kindness to other people is a very possible thing; it takes 21 days to make a habit, and we hope that people will participate and learn to spread good energy in their life.”
With most events like the 21 Days of Kindness, there is a purpose behind it. C2 began here on campus, but has spread around the district and to other ones as well because of events like this one.
“I think it’s a small reminder for people at school to step out of their world,” Peralez said. “To realize that showing even the smallest acts of kindness and appreciation can positively effect not only someone else’s life but even their own. We try to target a few acts towards staff on campus, and I know it really uplifts their day, which can be a domino affect throughout the rest of the staff and student body.”
The 21 Days of Kindness can be looked at in many different ways. Some people may see it as stupid and some people may see it as great, but some see it as something else.
“It’s an opportunity for students to really show their true colors,” Co-Sponsor Jermey Edwards said. “I see some students who feel like they have to act tough around their friends, but when they’re given these kinds of challenges to act kind, you can see whose really kind underneath all the skin.”