New Club Spotlight: Lions With Style

Club aims to bring back chivalry, stylish appearance

Alex Norato

Members of the newly minted Lions With Style club meet in Ms. Feliciano’s room every Wednesday after school.

by Caroline Cravens, Staff Writer

The Lions With Style Club is out on a mission to create a classier environment in our hallways and to help others as well. Junior Juan-Miguel Perez created the club to encourage students to dress nicely for school, avoiding pajamas and overly casual attire at school and bring back ideas and behavior such as manners and chivalry. The club is small but growing, and they meet in Sra. Feliciano’s room (409) on Wednesdays after school.

Perez created four points to help the club carry out it’s mission: dress and appearance, health/fitness, community service, and treatment of one another. Each point aims to make students become better people in society.

“Dress and appearance is the very first thing that people see. By improving this, whether it is for a job interview or just meeting new people, they get a better thought of you,” Perez said. “Being healthy doesn’t mean being ripped or having the “perfect” body but it’s staying in good shape. We encourage it by making it fun, by encouraging each other and doing it together.”

Since the school has to be packed up and closed up for the summer, the Lions With Style members have been assisting teachers to fulfill their goal to help the community.

“We want to give back to the community. Things that we have planned for the future are to go downtown and take part in feeding the hungry. Community service is also doing things to help out teachers and staff,” Perez said. “For example, we have recently helped teachers with moving their boxes since they have to pack for the summer.”

To assist President Perez, junior Alex Norato serves as the vice-president, sophomore Amanda Young is the secretary, and junior Caroline Cravens shares news and events of the club with others as the publicist. At the next meeting, the club plans to spend some time dancing.

To get in touch with this club:

Twitter – @LionsWithStyle



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