Christmas carols

Choir to sing in upcoming concert

Junior Jared Casper performs at choir’s last concert on Sept, 24.

by Arie Shaver, Reporter

Choir will be hosting their annual Winter Choir Concert after school on Friday, Dec. 6 to celebrate this winter season. The concert will take place in the PAC, and will begin at 7:00 p.m. 

“I’m super excited because we are performing a really fun piece called ‘White Winter Hymnal’,” junior Emma Liu said. “It has great harmonies and a funny body percussion. We tried to do it last year but it fell through, so I’m glad we are getting another shot at this amazing song.”

The concert will be free for everyone attending and will last one hour. Concessions will not be available, and food and drinks will not be allowed in the auditorium. However, t-shirts will be up for sale during the concert. 

“We have worked very hard and put in lots of time for these songs,” junior Jessica Hermon said. “We work hard as a choir family to produce organic flowing sounds, and we go up there on stage as a team which eases the nerves.”