Say boo to the flu
How to stay flu-free during this year’s flu season
Senior Olivia Rutherfurd shows that one of the easiest ways to stay flu-free is by washing your hands.
October 25, 2019
Fall is most people’s favorite season. But for me? It’s flu season. The time of the year where I quarantine myself from everyone else because there’s no way that I’m getting sick. I can’t be the only one like this, so according to HOSA and medical professionals, here are the best ways to stay flu-free this season.
1. Keep your hands clean
“The number one thing is washing your hands,” senior HOSA student Elizabeth Roca said. “Yes, it’s super simple, but [it’s] also very effective and can go a long way.”
2. Get the flu vaccine
“You will not get the flu from a flu shot,” DNP, MBA, RN and CCRN Amy Daly said. “You may already be infected by the time you get the shot, and it does take a couple of weeks to build immunity. However, the flu shot will not give you the flu. That is a myth with no science behind it.”
3. Stay healthy
“If we keep ourselves healthy, we are giving ourselves and our immune system a better chance at fighting off [the flu],” RN Sholana Daly said. “So, if you are eating unhealthy while your body is trying to fight off the flu, you are asking it to work double time.”
4. Don’t share food or drink
“[Sharing food] can lead to the exchange of saliva causing the spread of germs from one person to another, infecting that person,” junior HOSA student Safa Meredia said.
5. If you do have the flu, stay home!
“The first symptoms of the flu are fatigue, muscle aches, headache and sometimes a fever, DNP, MBA, RN and CCRN Amy Daly said. “Usually, by the time you have a fever, you’ve already infected the people around you. If you have the flu, please don’t spend time with young children or elderly people. They are at high risk to get the flu and can have serious complications.”