IB Goes Retro to Fix the Future

Caroline Cravens

One of the posters for the IB double feature

by Caroline Cravens, Assistant Editor

International Baccalaureate (IB) seniors are hosting a double feature this Saturday, the 17th to help raise money for The Hunger Project, a global, non-profit organization that strives to end world hunger. At 6pm Monsters University will be shown in the courtyard, followed by Back to the Future at 9pm.

All money raised from donations and concession sales will go to The Hunger Project. Senior Elizabeth Steele came up with a slogan to advertise the IB fundraiser and its cause, “Make hunger something of the past.”

“The Hunger Project not only helps to eradicate world hunger but also promotes empowerment, gender equality, and human dignity,” Steele said. “By raising funds, we’re helping to further this cause and make people more cognizant of global issues.”

As part of the IB diploma requirements, each IB student must complete 50 hours of action, 50 hours of creativity, and 50 hours of service. In addition to those hours, IB students are required to do a CAS project as a group.

“Working together in a group is pretty hard,” senior Siandhara Bonnet said. “But it’s easier if you make sure that you have good communication.”

$5 is the suggested donation, but the event is free entry for the entire community. Movies will be shown in the courtyard (or in case of rain, the little theater) on a large projector screen around 20 ft tall. Concessions such as Bush’s tea, homemade goods, hot drinks, soda and popcorn will be sold during the movies.

For extra information follow @IBBACKTO2015 on Instagram

For extra information follow @IBBACKTO2015 on Instagram

For extra information follow @IBBACKTO2015 on Instagram
