10 best things about fall
Everything from weather changes to cereal
Pumpkins and orange leaves are two huge signs of this season. The leaves will soon begin to fall, along with the temperature, Autumn is here.
October 5, 2015
The change in weather from scorching hot to kinda hot is always a plus side to the fall season.
Texans tend to appreciate even the slightest cool down after sweating all summer.
Seasonal cereal
If you have not tried Boo-Berry, Count Chocula and FrankenBerry, then you are missing out. They are General Mills monster-themed cereal that are only sold during September and October. They’re definitely worth a try to help keep your mornings nutritional and spooky.
Fall apparel
Fall means it is now time for flannels, beanies and the best of all, sweaters! Nothing feels better than putting on an over-sized and cozy sweater that wraps you up like a burrito, and now you can do it without sweating.
A lot of people are scarily thankful for the holidays that occur during this season. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Columbus Day. Who doesn’t love free candy and three-day weekends? October is also Down Syndrome and Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Daylight Savings
Until the adjustment to it occurs, the extra hour of sleep can be very appreciated. Also the sun sets earlier, so night time comes more quickly. Night time means sleep, and who doesn’t love sleep?
The food
Nothing compares to the food during this season. Smoked turkey, candy, S’mores, pumpkin and cinnamon-spice everything, it’s just remarkable. Make sure your tummies stay full during this season of giving and receiving, and never forget Toll House’s seasonal sugar cookies!
TV shows
For fans of The Walking Dead, The Big Bang Theory and Bob’s Burgers, this should be an exciting season of new shows. This is just a small sampling from the many shows that will be returning/coming out in the upcoming months.
No-Shave November
Expect endless tweets about beards and leg hair this month. It can be done just for fun or to benefit a cause, such as creating awareness by embracing our hair that many cancer patients lose and donating the money normally spent on shaving to cancer research.
Baking time
Get out your flour and rolling pins because it’s time to make some yummy and seasonally aesthetic treats! Everything from roasted pumpkin seeds to Halloween cookies are oven-baked goodness.
Haunted houses
A big fall season must is a visit to a haunted house. They’re not only exciting, but can be fun by yourself, with friends and make for a great date. One of the best of them is right here in Austin, the House of Torment.
All in all this is a great season. After a long summer, the change is very nice and welcomed. Make sure to eat good food, wear cute clothes and enjoy your fall.