Is lying ever okay? What about a little white lie? People lie to protect our friends from hurt, to avoid situations, to get out of trouble, and the list goes on. Although lying is the easy way to go, honesty is always the best policy. Being sincere and truthful is always the right thing to do.
It is hard to keep up with a lie. When a lie is told, it almost always requires more lies. One lie leads to another which leads to another, and the lies breed very quickly. It is very easy to forget about a lie that was told because it is not the truth. It’s seems like the brain forces people not to lie because it is morally wrong. Trying to maintain a false statement is so much trouble, and they are usually discovered, anyway.
Lying has a big effect on self-esteem. Not only does telling a lot of lies have an impact on the way others see the liar, but it has an effect on the way the liar sees their self. If someone dislikes their self so much to where they feel the need to exaggerate stories, and lie to make themselves sound better, they tend to lose respect for their selves. When one doesn’t believe in their self, it’s harder for them to reach their goals.
Although being dishonest can sometimes save people from certain consequences, it is selfish. When someone tells a lie, it shows that they care more about themself and what the lie can do for them, than others, who may suffer because of the lie. No matter what someone is lying for, it is almost always for personal gain. Lying to spare a friend’s feelings can sometimes seem like a nice thing to do, but avoiding an awkward situation is selfish.
Honesty is the key to trust. Telling the truth gets people further in life than lying through life. Although honesty isn’t always beneficial in the short run, honesty is the best policy in the long run.