Modest Is Hottest
Dress code after high school: to be or not to be.
Senior Jayne Wick is a fine example of what to wear.
Does it go against our freedoms to require a certain attire when out in public? Is it too much to ask a girl to cover up or to ask guys not to have their pants hanging off their body? Where is the line?
Grade level schools, elementary, middle and high, are required to implement a dress code stating what students can and can not wear. This is not to stunt the children’s creativity or quiet their individuality. School boards understand that there is an appropriate way to present yourself in the many circumstances of life.
It would be inappropriate to wear your beach attire to an interview with Microsoft, or your pajamas to dine at a 5 star restaurant. In the same way, when in an institution of learning, standards must be set. Why aren’t these standards apparent once high school ends? Why don’t colleges and universities have such a lenient “dress code?”
Some may argue that it is because the students are choosing to attend the university so they should be allowed to choose what they wear to school. Although this is true, being given a choice is not a reason to dress like harlots and hoodlums. While attending any university, there is a standard, though not enforced, implied.
For some professors, they hold these implications and apply them to the reality of their individual classroom. It is within their power to drop you from their class if you do not abide by their rules. A mentality all professors should have, but why don’t they?
College is, for many people, a place to let loose and be crazy before entering the “real world.” Some see dressing in a presentable manner is too much of a hassle. They want to be able to show their true self through the way they dress. There is a way to do this without being outlandish and tasteless.
1: Wear clothes that are the right size. Just because those shorts are super cute, there is no exception for not completely covering the areas that should be covered. As a past cheer coach once said, “if they sell it at KFC, I don’t want to see it.” If those things are covered, you’re golden.
2: Dress for the occasion. Don’t wear casual attire to meet the president, flip flops to a galla, pajamas to class/work etc. Before leaving the house ask yourself, would my mom be proud to see me if I saw her at this event? If the answer is no, you should probably change.
3: Just simply care. Being modest doesn’t mean wear a dress or slacks for the rest of your days. It does mean giving some effort to your appearance, letting your authority figures know you take pride in yourself and your work. Dressing appropriately lets the people around you know that you have enough respect for yourself and for them.
Even though the dress code is not put into writing, it is a practice that society views as an implied learned practice. Elementary, middle and high schools are preparation for the world that proceeds graduation; all aspects included. There is freedom in college, yes, but those freedoms come with implications, so dress accordingly.

Emary Greene is a senior this year, a member of PALs, and the volleyball manager. She has two older siblings and one younger sibling. She loves English...