Net Neutrality: The Fight for an Open Internet
Net Neutrality is based on the “Open Internet” principles made by the FCC a few years ago
February 12, 2015
The internet is a wonderful place full of social media, videos, educational sites, news sites, animated gifs, and so much more. It’s hard to imagine that the internet that has been free for ages would suddenly have to be paid for. Cable, satellite, phone providers, the list keeps going on of people wanting to slow the internet down so the public has to pay for higher speeds. Instead of just getting a better router now you have to pay companies for faster speeds.
The main argument against this is that the internet is a public utility and should not be taxed, or slowed from other companies. The internet’s companies such as Tumblr and Twitter have already expressed their disagreements with taxing the internet. It can be hard enough paying for TV, phone service, water, and electricity without adding the internet on top of that. Plus do your other taxes and pay off other things.
The idea of taxing the internet has been around since the internet was invented, and taxing it has always been a stupid idea. If the internet is marked as a utility this problem won’t occur and the internet and how it’s paid will remain the same as its been. Companies will not be able to mess with your internet speed like they aren’t allowed to mess with phone service, water, or electricity. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler originally brought up the plan to basically let companies like AT&T and Verizon create plans on the internet that would make you pay for faster connection but after the public gave him an earful he now plans to work with president Obama to make rules on the internet service providers to ensure traffic equality. Companies such as Sprint and Google say that the new net neutrality rules will not harm their investments.
Voting on Net Neutrality will happen towards the end of February 26, 2015. The simple solution is to not tax the internet. The internet has always been free and hasn’t harmed any companies. If it’s not broken, don’t try and fix it.