Harry Styles releases new single “Lights Up”

October 15, 2019
Harry Styles’ newest song, “Lights Up,” certainly lived up to its expectations. The single, along with a music video, were released Friday, Oct.11.
The release came without any prior notice, but many suspected it. Fans theorized about the signs that Columbia Records had put up throughout London and New York, saying “DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?” The rumors were proven true when Styles released the single.
On his debut album, “Harry Styles,” Styles developed his classic ‘70s rock sound, rather than continuing the pop sound he refined as a member of One Direction. However, “Lights Up” has more of a dark pop sound, including guitar and piano-based track. The style of the song is a major shift from his previous work, but the lyrics hold the same sincerity as the ones on his first album. Even though Styles has rumored the album would be about his experience with love, the lyrics can be interpreted as a remark on fame, or about finding an identity.
The video that accompanied the single includes quite the visual variety. At some points, shirtless Styles is dancing with many other people at a party, and at others, he is riding on the back of a motorcycle. Overall, the video centered around the dreamy-looking Styles.
There has been no release date set for Styles’ next album.