May celebrates salads and hamburgers
Recipes and history of your favorite food
A Panera salad. “I’ve only one Panera salad and it was my teachers,” senior Natalie Ditsler said. “But it was good.”
May 25, 2016
While salads continue to be one of the healthier options on any menu and have ingredients such as nutritious greens that are great for your body, some people find them disgusting and boring. Burgers please meat-eaters, but they are not the best thing you could be eating all the time. In honor of the month of May that celebrates these two foods, here is some history and great recipes to encourage eating both of these foods, and maybe in a healthier, but not boring way.
The Food Timeline states that salads originated in the Greek and Roman times. Both cultures ate a variety of raw vegetables with a dressing of some sort while doctors at the time believed raw vegetables and leafy greens flowed through the body the easiest and thus believed it should be eaten first and before the main course as many restaurants still do to this day.
“I prefer salads,” sophomore Allison Bonugli said. “I really just don’t like burgers. I put chicken on my salad sometimes. I also like to add carrots, cucumbers, avocado, bacon, and italian dressing or ranch.” states that Fletcher Davis from Athens, Texas claims to have invented the hamburger in the 1880’s at lunch counter he opened where he served ground beef patties with mustard and onion on two slices of bread.
“Burgers duh,” sophomore Daniela Salas said. “Cheese, bacon and ketchup all the way.”
While burgers are typically seen as unhealthy and salads the opposite of yet not as tasty unless one uses the right toppings, here are a few topping ideas to add to your preference: list the 35 best toppings to spice up your hamburger. Here are few:
- Guacamole
- Buffalo Sauce
- Fried Green Tomatoes
- Mozzarella Cheese
- An even healthier option would be to try a veggie burger! states that there’s a reason salads taste better at restuarants than the ones you make at home. They recommend adding salt and dressing, although some restaurants add more than they should,to add to the taste, but they also say that restaurants are adding more variety to the salad than you are yourself and that say you should use more ingredients and add different textures. Here are the important parts of your salads:
- Lettuce, Spinach, or any type of green or leafy vegetable
- A protein like chicken, tofu, or nuts
- Other vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers
- Other toppings like cheese, olives or seasoning