This store is located down South Congress and is full of anything you can think of. For people who watch the History Channel show American Pickers, this store is the same thing, but in a store. This store takes everything that you would see lying in someone’s backyard and sells it. I have found creepy dolls from the 1800’s and rusted tin cans. There are also old typewriters and old cameras. This store can also find things for someone who requests it, for the rare time you can’t find it in the store. This store is a history lover’s paradise, or people who want to show weird Austin really is.
The best thing I have found in this store so far has been an old stereoscope, which for those who don’t know it is where you look through this thing that looks like binoculars on the front but has a picture in the back and it makes the picture look 3-D. I personally love this store for the historical items to be found , even though a lot of my friends like it for the cool objects like old signs and other random things. The sign in the front of the store is a clear indication of what is inside, a guy riding a bunny that has to old light bulbs for eyes is pretty uncommon. The Uncommon Objects store is an antique with just not quite the normal antiques you would find anywhere. I think every student should see this store and every history teacher should use theses objects for their lessons.