Lady Lions take on Georgetown, Vandegrift

The team lost to Georgetown but came out on top against Vandegrift

Jack Densmore

Izaila Martinez plays against Vandegrift. She scores 6 points in the game.

by Natalie Ditsler, Staff Writer

The varsity Girls’ basketball team ended the second semester against Georgetown at their home. The Lady Lions fell to Georgetown in a close score of 30-25 at the Georgetown home. Against Vandegrift the Girls’ beat them by 23 points with a score of 53-30.

“We stayed really poised and relaxed during the entire game,” senior Kylie Douglas said. “We controlled the tempo of the game. Georgetown played our game of basketball.”

All three quarters against Georgetown ended with scores of 6. Both teams pushed to break the consistency during the fourth quarter but in the end Georgetown added 13 points to their score while the Lions added 7. Against Vandegrift, both halves of the game were started off strong with 10 points during the first quarter and 29 at the third.

“Honestly we executed pretty well against Georgetown,” senior Brooke Wells said. “We did what we needed but in the last few minutes we got frazzled and rushed, when we could have pulled the ball out like we did in the first 3 quarters and most of the 4th. We just have to work on keeping our composure in the last quarter in every game.”

With the most points scored during the Georgetown game, Senior Rayanna Carter made 21 points. Senior Brooke Wells and sophomore Allyssa McBeyers each made 2 points.

“Tomorrow I’m looking forward to proving our point against Cedar Park,” Wells said. “We’ve always come short to them and it’s been an easy game for CP. I’m ready to show all of them how much we have improved as a team and fight to the final buzzer of the game.”

The next game the Girls will be playing will take place at Leander on Friday the 8th. They will be facing Cedar Park.