Tie it out

As Lady Lions go into final games, seniors are honoured

Aimee Bozoudes

Junior holding middle TJ Barrett against the Dripping Springs Tigers. The Lions final game would later honour the two seniors and end in a tie of 1-1.

by Aimee Bozoudes, Staff Writer

Going into their final two games with a previous win against the East View Patriots, 1-0, the Lady Lions battled against their final two opponents for the season; the Vista Ridge Rangers and the Dripping Springs Tigers. Coming out with a loss against the Rangers with a score of 0-6, the Lady Lions played their season ending game with a tie of 1-1 against the Tigers.

“It’s been a one of a kind experience,” junior holding middle Madison Mallach said.  “Being able to play on a varsity sport is something I’ve wanted to do since I was little so it’s been really cool like being able to get closer with my teammates and travel with them. It’s been a really good experience.”

Traveling to Vista Ridge for their second to last game, the Lady Lions took a loss against the Rangers with a final score of 0-6.

“Some things we’ve done well, we’ve made a lot of improvement from last year,” Mallach said. “We didn’t have any wins last year and we’ve had two wins and a few ties this year but compared to the other schools, we don’t have as many club players or previous experience and for not having that we really have been presented with a big challenge and we make up for that by doing more things in school and working hard.”

Rivaling against the Dripping Springs Tigers for their final game at home in Bible Stadium, as well as senior night for the Lady Lions, they came out to a tie of 1-1. Junior sweeper Kyah Carlson made the Lions score for the night a little past halfway through the first half to bring the score up to 0-1, Lady Lions in the lead. After the first half ended and halftime began, senior forward Cameryn Garcia and senior goalie Emily Luker were  honoured before the team, as it seemed, burst out onto the field with new found determination and coordination than the previous half. Early in the second half, the Tigers earned their only goal for the night and the game ended with a tie of 1-1. 

“I think we have all grown and matured together as people as well as players,” Luker said. “I’ve learned to not only tolerate, but also be able to put aside differences and work with people that are completely different than me. I hope they learn to fight for what they want and work hard together as a unit. It was definitely bittersweet because I love my team and I love soccer, this was my 14th year to play, but it was also the beginning of an exciting new chapter in my life.”