Softball Tryouts Begin
Softball season begins on February 3rd
January 16, 2015
Softball tryouts are on January 23rd and January 24th. Coach Driver is available for more information in room 2205.
Tryouts are after school Friday starting at 4 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
“I’m looking for someone who is dedicated, who is coachable,” Coach Driver said. ” We want someone who can listen to feedback, and make changes. I want someone who’s excited to be out there, wants to have a good time, and wants to be a a part of a team ultimately”.
Driver has goals set in mind for the new season, as she continues to build a team.
“As far as improvements are concerned, I would say I’m looking for the girls to continue to invest time and getting better on a day in day out basis,” Driver said. “I’m looking for us to improve on our team, as far as team work and team ethics are concerned, so that we continue to mold together: athletic ability, softball ability. Those things will come as the season progresses. I just want to make sure we’re a team”.