If you’re needing a festive treat for a party at a competitive price, you can’t go wrong with WalMart’s Bakery. Out of all their choices, including holiday cakes, donuts, cookies, regular and mini sized cupcakes, it’s quick and easy to pick what you want. The cheaper prices can’t hurt either.
My Mini Gingerbread Cupcake came in a pack of a dozen, all adorned with a dollop of cream cheese frosting and little gingerbread men sprinkles. The frosting and cake were well-proportioned, something that can be a problem at strictly cupcake chain restaurants.
The cake was sweet and very moist, which helped make up for the frosting not being as creamy as I’d like. The frosting wasn’t super sweet, another plus, especially for store bought. While the cupcake didn’t have the freshest homemade quality of eating at Grandma’s, I would still recommend them for their readiness and price.
My server wasn’t very attentive to my being there at first, but after I got her attention, she offered free samples until I decided what I wanted. If gingerbread isn’t your ideal cupcake flavor, any WalMart Bakery also offers red velvet, chocolate, vanilla, and caramel mini cupcakes as holiday snacks.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars