National Poetry Month: What sound?
Senior Aimee Bozoudes listens to music. Her music is a vice to block out the noise of the world around her.
What sounds the night makes now
A howl no more than a bark
The screech of tires and roar of monstrous engines
Never imagined before
I lay my head upon my pillow ignorant to these new night sounds
White headphones block them from my ears
The times of earth being heard, wondered, feared
Have long been forgotten
The hum of music, videos, games
Is the night and day
The hour, the second
Sounds of the world are drowned in this electric hum
To deaf ears the world makes no sound
About the Contributor

Natalie Ditsler, Staff Writer
Hi! I'm Natalie and I'm addicted to cake, books and American Horror Story. I'm cluttered but can't help turn labels to the front in stores. If I could,...