All female officers elected to run Troupe 5232

Austin Graham

Next years elected all female officers for Troupe 5232 minus the treasurer. Pictured from left to right are: sophomore Lydia Singleton and juniors Annika Lowe, Emilee Earthman and Lynley Eilers.

Troupe 5232 has had multiple award-winning shows, actors moving onto New York Film Academy and created a local fan base. It has been said that this Thespian troupe gives a name to the school more than the sports.  Within the troupe, there is a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and historian that has to be re-elected annually and next year’s elected officers are a group of five females.

“I am so honored and excited to be elected president of Troupe 5232,” Emilee Earthman said. “My goals as president next year are to make sure everyone feels included and informed and run our department alongside the other officers smoothly and effectively. I plan to have more fundraising and community service opportunities to benefit our troupe and local charities.”

The role of the vice president is to handle most of the community service projects and be dedicated to participating in the service.

“Emilee and I are very close,” Vice President Lynley Eilers said. “We had already begun brainstorming ideas and things we would like to change or make better for next year even if we weren’t to be elected. The fact that we will get to see a lot of our plans through is really exciting. I feel like I’m a very strong leader and I aspire to be a confident and positive role model as an actress and just as a person in our department.”

Similar to an office secretary, the thespian secretary handles the paperwork. In the world of theatre, paperwork is important for rights to shows, acting contracts and payments.

“Theatre is something I’m going to be a part of for the rest of my life,” Secretary Annika Lowe said. “I’m so grateful that my last year as a member of LHS theatre is the year I get to give back and show my appreciation for the art. Organization is huge; there’s a lot of miscommunication due to lack of concrete dates, available resources and general information. I want these to be available to the advanced class so we can make sure nothing goes awry of planning.”

Treasurer is the one who handles the big bucks which is a hard task considering it costs anywhere from $15,000-20,000 to put on a musical.

“As I spent more time in the theatre program, I really got a firsthand view of the work ethic and charismatic personalities of troupe 5232 that make up such a lively environment,” Treasurer Mathilde Le Tacon said. “As treasurer, I intend to generate new ideas and programs that will give us the necessary funds to put on the shows which our theatre students pour so much hard work and passion into.”

Similar to the treasurer, the title of historian gives away its meaning. The historians job is to document the troupe. Every play, convention and gathering.

“I feel so honored, especially because I will be the only junior officer,” Historian Lydia Singleton said.  “I have many ideas for next year mainly pertaining to the bulletin board and scrapbook. I feel like I can benefit this department by providing a creative and original perspective. I have a passion for art and photography so those talents could definitely be put to good use.”

Each of these girls have stated how honored and excited they are to run next year’s troupe. There are plans for new fundraisers next year that are open to the public and events put on by the troupe that anyone can watch.