Theater succeeds at GAHSMTA without really trying

Theater’s musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying nominated for Greater Austin High School Musical Theater Awards

Alex Norato

Champion and Berlinger during the musical

by Caroline Cravens, Assistant Editor

How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying has been nominated for 10 Greater Austin High School Musical Theater Awards (GAHSMTA) awards: best actor in a supporting role (Senior Nico Champion), best actor in a leading role (Senior Kade Ferguson), best actress in a supporting role (Senior Chloe Berlinger), best actress in a leading role (Junior Lynley Eilers), best direction, best ensemble, best production, best scenic design, best musical direction, and best technical execution. GAHSMTA will be held April 14, at the Long Center downtown. The red carpet event begins at 6pm and the awards officially begin at 7:30pm.

In addition to awards being announced, there will be several performances. All the individual award nominees perform in a group number, for example, all the best actor male nominees will perform together. While they all perform together, each actor/actress has a portion of their music during the group number.

“Only nine guys out of 27 schools got nominated, so it’s awesome,” Ferguson said. “It doesn’t even matter if I win, it’s just an honor being nominated. I can’t wait to see the results.”

So far the actors and actresses have had a lot of rehearsals to get ready for the big GAHSMTA performance.

“It’s pretty crazy because we have to drive downtown every weekend and it goes from 10 to 10,” Ferguson said. “So it’s twelve hours, but it’s so fun, you get to meet all kinds of fun people. It’s just really cool.”

There’s also a bunch of other performances as well. Senior Lyrik Koottungal and sophomore Matthew Kennedy were chosen by Mrs. Major to be apart of the finale.

“The song that we perform was specifically written for these awards so it’s unique,” Koottungal said. “it’s really fun, all the pairs wear costumes from their musicals so there’s all these different characters doing one piece together. It’s also interesting to get to know people you wouldn’t really meet otherwise, and it feels really powerful to be able to have so many different people come together and perform something amazing.”

Tickets are on sale on the GAHSMTA website for the public. The ceremony is on April 14th, but on April 17th GAHSMTA will be aired on KXAN as well. There’s also information about past winners and a calendar on the GAHSMTA website. Last year The Music Man won best ensemble.