Beyond the classroom, into the field

Students plan for the future in the medical field

Natalie Ditsler

More stories from Natalie Ditsler

Natalie Ditsler

Student listens to a friend’s heart beat. In 2013, over 48,000 students applied to medical school.

With the school year coming closer to an end some students must face their futures and decide on what they want to do. For seniors Logan Kronforst and Danielle Snow, the future holds promise for careers in the medical field.

“I naturally love the learning process and application of biology and chemistry,” Kronforst said. “It makes me feel very connected. That was the main thing that got me interested.”

Kronforst plans to pursue a career in neurological and neuroscience research.

“It’s the most uncertain and undiscovered field in medical science,” Kronforst said. “The brain has six billion neurons all simultaneously wired together for internal and external tasks and processes. Consciousness is a trip.”

Along with a internship in the cardiology department at Dell’s Children’s Hospital, Kronforst takes a CMA class and consistently looks for new information on neuroscience. Snow also takes particular classes and participates in HOSA.

“I’ve taken medical terminology, pathophysiology, health science 1&2 and pharmacology,” Snow said. “I’m currently taking AP chemistry and biology and I am studying to be a medical assistant. I also participate in HOSA. Just anything science related.”

Snow plans to pursue not only a career in pediatrics, but to also work with  Doctors without Borders. Doctors without Borders was founded in 1971 and it’s creed is that everyone has the right to medical care. The humanitarian organization has helped treat millions of people in more than 80 countries, earning them a Nobel Peace Prize. Joining in their work Snow would have the opportunity to work in countries with little doctors. Her inspiration for it all is her father.

“My dad inspires me because he is a really hard worker and has accomplished so much in his life,” Snow said.