It’s all about the jelly

Student Council collects jelly for food pantry

Austin Graham

More stories from Austin Graham

A poster made by Student Council representing their community service project. The donations will go to the district food pantry.

The student council has just begun their “Peanut Butter and Jelly Competition.” They are on the jelly side, competing against rivals Rouse High School to see who can raise the most of their item. All of the collected PB or J will be donated to a food pantry for the holiday season.

“It’s a good cause and it’s also a fun competition,” sophomore class treasurer Taylor Bode said. “You’re having fun by competing against people, but you are also helping out by donating food to people who don’t have as much.”

Student Council has made a goal to collect as much jelly as they can. The jelly will be donated to the district wide food pantry at Wiley Middle School.

“We wanted to be able to help the community this Christmas season,” senior Student Council president Sierra Stevenson said. “We decided one of the best ways that we could is by making sure that families can have access to food over the winter season.”