‘Trouble’ Taking Stage Once Again
‘The Music Man’ Receives Award at GAHSMTA
Cast of The Music Man rehearsing for the GAHSMTA
April 23, 2014
After months of waiting, the Theatre Department’s performance of The Music Man has received an award from the Greater Austin High School Musical Theatre Awards (GAHSMTA).
The Music Man was nominated for 10 awards, along with individual awards for best actor and actress in a lead role, and best featured performer. Out of the 10, the performance received one, Best Ensemble.
“Everybody in the cast is very strong and they all have an obvious bond on stage,” senior Colby Zschiesche said. “It’s a massive honor…many of the high schools in the Austin area [were there] and to be given this award above many of the other schools is, like I said, a great honor.”
From the six surrounding counties of Central Austin, only 19 participated in the awards, and only the eight performances nominated for Best Production were able to perform a musical number from the show.
Other performances included a melody of the nominated performers for best actor and actress in a lead role, and GAHSMTA select ensemble, including Leander’s own junior Kade Ferguson.
Although students don’t know what next year’s musical will be, they’re going to try their best to achieve next year’s award of Best Production.
“I have extreme confidence that the department will continue to grow and put on better shows in the future,” Zschiesche said. “With the addition of Carl Booker, our new tech director, the tech department will grow exponentially in a year.”
For more information about the awards, visit http://www.leandertheatre.org/music-man-nominated-for-10-awards-at-gahsmta/ and http://thelongcenter.org/greater-austin-high-school-musical-theatre-awards/learn-more/.