Taking out the Mustangs

A-team defeats Mustangs with half marginal difference

Aimee Bozoudes

Hunter Stevens keeping up the Lions scoring against the Mustangs in the second quarter. This shot would then raise the score to 29-10, Lions in the lead as they would later win the game.

The freshmen A-team Lions triumphed over the Marble Falls Mustangs at home on January 12th as their final score ended with 72-36, the freshmen Lions taking the victory for the night as B-team did not have a game this week.

“I feel that we know our identity,” A-team coach Bradley Washington said.  “We want to get the ball inside and use the gifts that we do have. We know that although last night looked good, we have to come with it when we play on the next time. They have good chemistry and they’ve played together a lot for the most part and so they’re comfortable with each other and trust each other and that’s a big deal is trust.”

The first quarter of the game started out in deadlock as Lions would take the first few scores, but were quickly met with the Mustangs earning just as much. It wasn’t until the middle of the first when the Lions began to gain speed according to the players that would define the night’s game. Tay Brown led the team’s points with five, Hunter Stevens and Ryan Amerson gained four points each, Rashad Carter gained three points with Logan Clark and Kyce Wilson each earning two points to close the first quarter with a gap of 20-8, Lions taking stance.

“Before the game since we were losing, we knew we had to come out stronger than the other games,”  Hunter Stevens said. “So, we just came out thinking that we had to win. We were all pretty excited.”

As the Lions pursued their speed and strength, going strong from the get-go as described by players and coaches alike, they lead into the second and third quarter with scoring from Stevens who earned 10 points, Clark with nine points, Carter and Sisson with five points each that helped the Lions to earn 40 points in two quarters and to raise the scores to 59-26 by the end of the third quarter. In the final quarter, the A-team had gained 14 points from Carter who earned three and Stevens who landed the Lions final score at 73-36 with freshmen Lions taking the victory.

“We played more as a team,” Stevens said. “We were running our plays right and we felt like things were going right. It shows that we can come back and keep winning because now we have the streak we can go off of.”

The freshmen Lions next game will be against the East View Patriots at Eastview with A-team starting at 5:30p.m and B-team playing at 7p.m.