Dance I students participate in teacher evaluation

Students taught a dance to perform in front of judges

Michelle Parker

More stories from Michelle Parker

Summer days
June 2, 2017

Brooke Wetuski

The selected Dance I students pose before the competition. They received a certificate of achievement.

In an evaluation of dance teacher Brooke Wetuski, fourteen Dance I students learned a routine in only 30 minutes and received a Certificate of Achievement. The girls, most of them never having prior dance experience, set off to Cedar Park High School to dance for the Texas Dance Educators Association’s (TDEA) and Teacher Educator’s Assessment of Learning (DEAL). The event evaluated Wetuski’s teaching skills and the student’s dance skills.

“I’ve never had any dance experience,” freshman Amy Wu said. “It was a little nerve racking to learn a dance in 30 minutes to perform. I wanted to do well for Ms. Wetuski.”

Students were taught by a TDEA instructor for the first 15 minute portion. Then, Wetuski taught the girls for the next 15 minute portion, when it was time to perform in front of judges.

“The TDEA instructor taught differently from what we’re used to,” freshman Taylor Key said. “It was easier to pick up the dance [when Wetuski taught it].”

Students had to ask questions and demonstrate an understanding of basic dance etiquette. The team received a Certificate of Achievement for their work from the TDEA president, Abigail Payne, and TDEA deal director, Betsy Heathcock.

“I was happy to help Ms Wetuski in the DEAL assessment,” Key said. “She’s a great teacher and we got to take a little break from school with our friends.”

The DEAL assessment also identifies good dance teaching practices for the TEKS standards of the Art of Dance Education program. Leander ISD participates in the DEAL assessment.

“I thought Ms. Wetuski taught very well,” Wu said. “It was a pretty easy dance so that helped.”