Valentine’s voices

Choir students sing for Valentine’s grams

Austin Graham

More stories from Austin Graham

Austin Graham

Senior choir students performing ‘Just the way you are’ by Bruno mars. The was the main song sung by this particular group.

This year for Valentine’s day grams, the choir department has taken it to heart, or vocal chords, to spread love through song. Students had the option to purchase a Valentine’s gram, and if they payed extra, a group of 3-4 choir students would perform a song for the recipient of the gift.

“Being able to do singing valentine grams is great,” senior Sarah Yeager said. “It’s awesome bringing a little happiness into people’s days while benefitting the choir program with the sales and I’m glad i’m able to do it.”

The choir students only perform the Valentine’s grams during the first 15-20 minutes of two different class periods a day to keep from infringing on studies by doing it to the same class multiple times. The singers enter the classroom and sit the recipient in a chair at the front of the classroom and sing to them.

“I was really caught off guard and it was a really nice surprise,” junior Miranda Pizer said. “The song choices they had were super cool and they were all unique, so at least one of them was bound to match the person that you were picking the song for. It was just such a cool little surprise, and it wasn’t a lot, it was affordable so you could’ve done it wherever you were, but it was really sweet.”

Today was the last day that Valentine’s grams are being performed. Based on the success of this fundraiser, the Choir Department will most likely continue this project next year.