Early bird gets the book worms
Book Club returns with new members

The book club has started this year with two meetings. At the upcoming meeting they will be discussing their chosen book.
Back from last year, here comes Book Club, a club dedicated to kids who read and love literature. AVID and English IV teacher Kari Bjerke started the group last year.
“I mostly started this club because there were a lot of kids who read on their own,” Bjerke said. “They needed a place to talk about what it was they were reading. It was also to get kids to maybe try new books they had never heard of and were new to them.”
The Book Club held its first information meeting on Friday, September 18. They will be meeting during PRIDE time in Bjerke’s classroom, 2214, reading books voted on by the students.
The Time Traveler’s wife and Water for Elephants were among titles chosen last year.
“The kids will vote on one book to read a cycle,” Bjerke said. “Then during PRIDE time they will discuss it. The next week, we may watch the movie of that book if it has a movie. We are also encouraging the club members to go to different book festivals like the Austin Bookpeople Teen Authors convention this weekend.”
Fifteen students come to the first information meeting, with more requesting a second meeting. Junior Jasmine Dorsey learned about the club from being in Bjerke’s AVID class.
“I thought it would be fun and look good for college,” Dorsey said.
At the monthly meeting, the students talk about the book in a a 30-minute student-led discussion.
“During the meetings I hope that they will actually talk about the books,” Dorsey said. “I am nervous for the outcome of our first official meeting Wednesday. I want to do things with the books during the meetings, but I am excited to also get to watch the movies.”
To keep up with the book clubs progress follow them @LHSRead.

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