Newspaper seniors say goodbye

As the year ends the newspaper seniors must say their goodbyes. After all of their stories, photos and videos, the seniors must split off from the rest of their staff. Today, they say goodbye.


From Natalie Ditsler:

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I joined newspaper. I take a while to feel comfortable around people and be myself. The idea of going up to strangers in school seemed absolutely terrifying and more than anything I am a horrible procrastinator. When I joined, I was immediately stressed and I didn’t want to let anyone down. I didn’t tell anybody and now I see how silly I had been.

I learned that talking to people you don’t know is not that bad. This staff has quickly become a family that brings food, fake fights each other, and makes terrible jokes. Really terrible jokes. I cannot count how many times I left the room for dreaded math thinking about how badly I wanted to stay. I wish we could have another year all together just because I had so much fun. I’m going to miss you all.

Aimee you were the first friend I made in newspaper and I am so glad I had you as a roommate at camp. We knew each other freshman year but I don’t think we truly became friends till last summer. You are like the cheerleader of newspaper, always brightening everyone’s day and bringing homemade brownies. That’s not a thing cheerleaders do but it should be. I hope that no matter what you do or where you go, you will stay happy and on your feet. Seriously, try not to slip.

Garrett, Garrett, Garrett. Someone mentions your name in my English class at least once a day. Never stop the jokes or the terminator noises. You truly made newspaper a fun place to be. I know that you will do great things because underneath the sarcasm and dark humour you are clever and talented.

Gigi, you are so sweet and always encouraging. I will miss your positivity. Matthew, I didn’t get to know you very well but you always brought a lot of energy to conversations. Bri and Brianna, you are both awesome hard workers. Lynn you have great story ideas and great enthusiasm. Don’t stop being you. Michelle, know that you are a loved member of the staff and though we haven’t talked much I know that you work hard.

Austin, you are one of the coolest and most fun people to be around. It’s not hard for someone to see just how much of an effect you have on people. You bring energy, emotion and fun at all the right times. I know that you will continue to improve newspaper and succeed in all that you do.

Kyle, you are going to be fine. You are smart, talented, driven and you will have Austin to help you. You are one of those rare people who realise that you can go out and actually do all the things you want to do. Anyone who knows you will appreciate your willingness to help people and face things head on.

I never knew how great of a person you were until I joined newspaper Jack. You fueled us and pushed us all to be better writers and the next staff you are on will benefit greatly.

Mrs. Bell I can never thank you enough for allowing me to be apart of this amazing staff and program. You are #goals in everything you do and I hope that no matter where you go, you are appreciated and loved. You deserve the greatest things in life, including the chocolate and coffee. I don’t think I can put into words how much you and this staff have changed my life.


From Garrett Gage:

This was a long time coming, huh? I knew the year was going to end sometime but I never knew it was going to end this soon, like eating the ice cream you got out in like five minutes soon. If there’s one thing I could take home from this year it would be that I should’ve done newspaper last year. I had the option to, I think I even had the forums, but I never filled it out thinking it would be too daunting or that I wouldn’t like it. It was tough at times, but it was also the most fun I’ve had in a class.

To Jack, you were a pretty dope editor in chief. Sure there were times where you got onto us about our deadlines, but when you weren’t doing that you were a super fun guy to be around and all around cool editor in chief. Hope Texas Tech treats you well!

To Kyle, even when I teased you with Excusle and priorities I thought you were a super interesting guy. Being able to climb a volcano is something I would never do, even when given the chance. You’re able to take a lot of risks and overcome a lot of challenges, hopefully that’ll carry over next year when you continue your campaign as editor.

To Austin, I honestly didn’t think a lot of you when I first saw you. I didn’t hate or anything like that, I just didn’t get a feel for you. After this year, I can say I’m happy I did. You remind me of me in someways with the humor and whatnot. Also you are a really good editor, even if your suggestions burned like making reviews shorter. It taught me to be more concise and I thank you. Make sure to smack that rectangular Shrek butt for me.

To Aimee, I think I might’ve seen you a few times around school and heard your name once or twice when talking to Ben, but now that I’ve gotten to know you, you are really cool. I wish I could have the ability to cook some pretty delicious dishes like you do, but not everyone can do everything. I hope you can grab slipping by the legs later in life and hold out for a whole year.

To Natalie, out of everyone in the staff I think you might’ve been the shyest. Now that the year has passed, I can say you have grown the most. You used to barely talk, now you talk as much as everyone else. I hope you keep growing and maybe even be a speaker down the line.

To Matthew, it’s hard to find people with a enthusiasm of video games like you. I always enjoyed talking about video games and movies whenever we did chat. I know you are not going to be in newspaper next year, so I wish you all the best in your baseball endeavors.

To Gigi, I am incredibly impressed with your appreciation with literature and taking two English classes. I know I could never do that and it’s awesome seeing people who do. No matter what you’re pursuing later in your life, put your English prowess to use.

To Bri, I find it funny that one of the first things I’ve said to you is indirectly “I’m a raging homosexual.” I didn’t even know you at the time and I don’t think you were a part of the staff, but it would be cool if I got to know you sooner. Because you are a very cool gal, I hope the rest of your years in this school gets better.

To Lyn, I still remember your story about the mass emails and whatnot just due to how bizarre it was, and I don’t think it was the only story you had like that. You are an awesome individual as is your hair, both wig and natural.

To Brianna, you are pretty cool for a gummy bear hater. Much like everyone else, I wish I could’ve known you sooner. Either way, I hope you continue to have an awesome rest of your high school career.

To Michelle, I really wish your sickness didn’t get in the way of school because then we could learn more about your more lax personality. When you start acting differently than you do in class, it’s always whiplash. It’s so shocking yet it’s also pretty cool. Whatever you are sick with I hope you kick it’s butt and start to feel better!

To Mrs. Bell, you are by far one of the best teachers I have ever had. You are miles better than the band directors because unlike them, you don’t sugarcoat and you don’t play games of cloak and dagger with people’s emotions. You are honest 100% of the time, whether it be good or bad. You are also a great teacher in the sense of the mood in your class. Even when we are hard at work it always feels safe and optimistic especially with your word choice when we talk as a staff casually. I loved having you as a teacher and I wish I could’ve had you again the year before, I wish nothing but the best for you and your family next year.


From Aimee Bozoudes:

While I joined in on the amazing joy that was staff or squad, a bit late in my highschool career, when I stepped into Mrs.Bell’s room as my first class of my junior year on the first day, my first thought was ‘who do I know? Oh god I don’t know anyone in here oh no oh no oh no just sit somewhere and do your work.’ Little did I know then, many of them would become amazing friends I would laugh, smile, and cry with and talk to nearly every day and as cheesy as that may sound, it’s 100 percent true.

I had always been interested in English and I thought it was something I wanted to pursue as a career but then Mrs.Bell kinda changed my mind about that. Seeing her passion and her love for journalism and for her students and staff made me want to be apart of it and luckily enough, I was able to. She didn’t beat around the bush or try to sugar coat things for us; she was real and that was something I desperately needed in my life at that point.

While it was my only year on staff, it has been the best, most amazing, most stressful and most family like part of my entire highschool career. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better out of these astonishing and crazy talented students and advisor who took each other in like family and unknowingly made Mrs.Bell’s room one of the safest places I can think of. I’ve slept there, cried there, laughed there, fell down(a lot) there, eaten there, and known that whenever I had any kind of problem, someone in there was going to help me or give me a hug at the very least and say ‘It’s going to be ok.’ And now I’m crying.

To Jack, You’re so talented dude and it’s no surprise that you won so many awards. But besides that, I always think of how we were both always going to those at campus college classes and were the only two in the room interested in journalism and how you interviewed me into something I never would have imagined would have been this wonderful. So for teaching all of us the beauty of newspaper through your beautiful and awesome writing and your no questions asked dedication, thank you. You’re going to do amazing things and I know I’m going to see your name on the big time papers in no time at all.

To Natalie, This is absolutely crazy. We’ve known each other for four years, didn’t talk for two, and yet through sitting in a room together for an hour and a half every other day and staying up until two or three a.m during camp nights, I feel like you’ve become one of my good friends and I want thank you for always being so kind and funny and going through the same struggle I did by joining in on the newspaper party so late. Your writing is so pretty and so thoughtful just like you and I’m gonna miss seeing you every other day so thank you for being my first friend on staff.

To Garrett, Oh my god. I always saw you in the hallways but I never knew how much of an undercover salty person you were. You write some incredible editorials and you’re one of the funniest and chillest people I can think of and thank you for always making the effort to make someone smile while still being able to tear down any argument that comes your way. I’ll never forget the crazy antics you pulled in and out of Bell’s room and it’s been great getting to know you and good luck at UNT even though you hardly need any of that to be great!

To Austin, Where do I even begin with you? I guess here: You were one of the first faces on staff that I kinda knew and all I really knew was that you were a good writer and that we sat near each other in J one. But I never would have imagined how cool and great of a person you were and I want to thank you for making this year so memorable. You always work so hard and inspire others to do the same yet would come down the hallways singing and dancing and make everyone laugh. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, you’re going to do some great things next year and never forget how incredible you are.

To Matthew, thank you for being more of a Marvel nerd than I am and always being one of the first people to offer up help when asked. Your willingness to help others and ability to balance your classes, newspaper, and baseball is something to be noted and have a great senior year in whatever you decide to do because in the end, it’s your decisions in life that truly matter.

To Gigi, If anyone was going to be described as unique, it would be you Gigi. I’ve seen you dance, sing, write, and talk endlessly during English and to be completely honest, I was always a bit jealous of you. You have so much talent and so much to say and you should never let anything hold you back from that. You have a knack for making people smile and don’t forget to always be yourself because you are beautiful.

To Kyle, I have so much respect for you and so do so many other people. It’s not because you’re living up to some sort of expectation but because whatever you do, you always go above and beyond and still manage to be a good person. Your time management skills and dedication are absolutely astonishing and you’re so much more than you give yourself credit for. You’re going to be an excellent Editor-In-Chief next year and make sure not to compare yourself to others but to instead ask how you can improve. Don’t ever forget how inspiring you are to others and that you’re going to do great things in time because thing is, you already are.

To Brianna S., I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again and again Brianna, you are so chill yet so sassy and witty and kind all at the same time. Also smart and pretty and while this may not be your calling, whatever you decide to do with your next two years in high school, follow your own path and never hold yourself back from what you want to do or say. You’re the kind of person that’s good at a little bit of everything and still stay true to themselves and I want to thank you for always being yourself. Have fun in your junior year!

To Lyn, I remember I would also see you in the halls a lot and I remember how we talked a bit last year about bands and anime I think when you were sitting in art. But I never knew how spoken minded and passionate you were and I’m glad I got the chance to talk to you this year. Don’t forget that you have a voice and that you can tell it like no one else and that some people can’t handle your maturity. Good luck in IB and have a great junior year kid!

To Michelle, O Michelle. Future president extraordinaire who could talk her way out of being killed I have no doubt or say something along the lines of ‘I don’t have time for this get out of my way.’ You’re so far beyond so many people and I want to thank you for giving me the chance to meet and becomes friends with you this year. Your writing is already so incredible and I know that with years to come, it will surpass any kind of prediction anyone has in mind because you never let any kind of barrier stop you. You’re going to kill it next year and beyond and never let anyone tell you otherwise!

To Bri, You are actually amazing?? You deal and put up with so much from every kind of thing yet you never let it stop you. You never cease to speak your mind and shut any kind of nonsense down and that’s something I’ve respected about you from the first day I actually had a conversation with you at UIL. You have such talent and such strength of written and spoken word that you could practically get anyone to listen to you and you should never forget that. Your beautiful character inside and out will always stand out among the crowd Bri!

To Mrs.Bell, to say thank you a thousand times couldn’t express how grateful I am to you. I almost don’t want to write this because it means goodbye and I’m positive that when the times comes that we all have to leave your room, the room I have learned to call a safe-haven and a second home, it’ll hit like a bus and hurt like hell. But, the great thing about you is that you’d let us know that it would be ok. You’ve become a mentor, an inspiration, and encouragement but most of all, a friend to so many and through your passion for everything that you do alongside your incredible humor and honesty, I want to at least say thank you for making my life have more light than it ever has before.

I love all of you so much and I know that you all are going to do amazing things because that’s just the kind of people and staff you all are. Amazing.


From Jack Densmore:

The past two years on newspaper staff were some of the best of my life. I’ve met so many people, and got to cover a lot of great things. Coming into freshman year not being able to take a Creative Writing class I chose Journalism as an alternative. That decision would later turn to be the best decision I ever made. From that point on I knew I wanted to be a journalist.

Mrs. Bell, thank you for being an inspiration and for finding my true calling. Without you I don’t think I would’ve been able to make the decision of being a journalist. You helped me push myself, and become who I am today. Since we’re graduating at the same time, and going our separate ways, I wanted to tell you that you are one of the bestest friends I have. Without you, I still would be the shy kid afraid to talk to anyone, with little friends, and little passion. I’m a totally different person because of you. I know you’ll continue to be a great inspiration for students in the future. From L.A. to Texas, these past four years with you were the best.

Austin, you are the best assistant editor I could ever wish for. You are a fantastic writer, photographer, and just overall person. You show heart in what you do, and you are the funniest person I know. You may have doubts here and there and things may get too much to handle, but if anything I’ve always seen you progress day and day out, getting better and better, and showing everyone who you are. Next year, I know you’ll tell some great stories. Just try not to pet every single dog at NSPA again.

Kyle, man did you exceed my expectations, and those expectations were high in the first place. You took the assistant editor job mid-year like I expected. You’re one of the hardest workers, and greatest staffers that I could’ve wished for. You always have great ideas for stories, and are always on point with deadlines. If winning Distinguished Delegate at YG state, being a huge part in helping us be an NSPA pacemaker finalist, has told me anything is that you have got this. You will do fantastic next year. Mr. Editor-in-Chief, I’m proud of you.

Garrett, the most savage person I know. You were a fantastic staffer, and such a hard worker. You always knew how to make everyone laughed when we were stressed, and you always did your best to finish stories on time. You gave great reviews, interviews, and as the year progressed grew better and better at writing stories. I’m not sure what you’re going to do with your future, but I know that you’ll do great.

Aimee, one of the smartest and best writers I know. Each feature was amazing, and you always poured a lot of heart into a lot of your stories. Even when you were stressed out beyond belief I could tell that you still did your best. You never let anything get to you, and you always produced quality. As you go on in life, just remember that you’re a fantastic person, and that you did some awesome work for The Roar.

Natalie, probably the sweetest woman I know. You also did great covering swimming, and choir this year. Never before did we have so much swim coverage. You worked hard on all of your stories, and you always had a smile on your face. I don’t think I saw you once without a smile. Keep doing great!

Gigi, you are also probably the sweetest woman I know. You always wrote stories with heart, ESPECIALLY your features. Each feature you wrote I was pretty much blown away. I know that you’ll do great telling people’s stories next year. Keep it up!

Brianna, another sweet woman! You always had a smile on your face, and were always focused. You worked hard on your stories, and always let us know when you had a problem with a story, etc. I loved having you on staff, and whatever you decide to do in life, I know that I’ll be glad to see your name in the paper. Whether it be you writing the story, or the story being written about you!

Bri, boy were you an awesome staffer! You had great opinions, and great articles. You’re a very hard worker, and I’m sure as you continue to write more and more you’ll get even better and better. I can’t wait to see what kind of work you produce in the future!

Michelle, getting to know you more in Youth and Government was great. Not only could you be a journalist, but also a politician! Your stories are always great, and are always well written. You have a real talent. Whatever you decide to do, I can’t wait to see it in the future!

Lyn, it was always a pleasure working with you. You always worked your hardest to finish your stories, and always asked questions when you needed answers. Which I appreciate. You’re a great writer, and have an amazing personality. Overall, you’re a great person, and whatever you decide to do in the future I support you fully.

Matthew, it was always great having another person to talk nerdy stuff with (Marvel, Star Wars, etc.) You wrote some great reviews, and some great sports articles. If you still want to do radio in the future I’m sure you’ll do great. Keep up the hard work!


Leaving is never easy. Every story must have an end. For these seniors their next stories are just beginning, for the rest, their story is continuing. Although goodbyes are hard, and never easy, we all must say them, unfortunately. Today, we leave our last impression on The Roar.