Clubs Lend Helping Hands for the Holidays
HOSA sock drop off box
Lions With Style
Lions With Style is starting the “LHS ‘Can’ Give Back’ food drive. All clubs are encouraged to participate and collect cans as a group then drop them off in Sra. Feliciano’s room (2103). Lions With Style will collect food from your rooms at 4:00 on Wednesday, December 3rd. The club with the most cans gets a free ticket into the Dodge ball tournament on December 5th hosted by Lions With Style.
HOSA is doing their sock drive where they gather socks and give them to people who don’t have any. The drive starts November 14th and ends at December 5th. They are accepting socks for newborn sizes up 18 year-old sizes. There is a box outside the hallway near room 2323.
National Honor Society is participating in Operation Christmas Child. This program allows students and members of the community to receive boxes to fill them with a present for a boy or girl. Students have to pick a slip of paper with a certain age group and buy an appropriate toy matching that description. Boxes can be picked up in Mr. Shaw’s room, 2211, and are due by December 3.
Since November 3rd DECA has been collecting winter clothes for kids through adults. Coats, scarves, hats, and gloves are all acceptable donations and can be turned into one of the collection boxes in room 1320, the cafeteria, the AP’s offices, or the front office. The coat drive lasts until December 5th.

Senior Caroline Cravens is an assistant editor of the Roar, as well as Chaplain of the Blue Belles, and a member of the Northpoint Student Ministry. She...

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