Blue Santa helps kids in need
Police Department works with the football team to give kids toys
The school’s Blue Santa barrel with one of the toys donated sitting next to it. The charity ends at December 18th with the hope to give kids in need toys.
December 16, 2015
Blue barrels scattered around the nation, becoming destinations for many toys that will later be in the care of a loving child. Operation Blue Santa is a nationwide charity that the police departments do every year to make sure every child gets a toy this holiday season. Police officer lieutenant Bruce Trzeciak has high hopes for the charity this year.
“Last year we helped approx 500 families with 2500 kids,” Trzeciak said. “We anticipate a little more than that this year.”
He also said what to donate to the blue barrels. This charity will go until the 18th of this month.
To help with Blue Santa, contact 512-528-2800.
“Unwrapped new toys are best,” Trzeciak said. “Monetary donations and gift card type donations can be brought to Leander PD.”
The Lion football team this year is putting their helmet into the ring for the first time to help the children. Senior Jacob Potter explains how they do things differently than a barrel.
“We drop our stuff off to Coach Smith,” Potter said. “I think he is a middleman between us and the PD.”
He has a strong opinion about the charity they’re doing. They have been going on for a few weeks and end on Friday.
“We’re giving kids a Christmas,” Potter said. “Giving the experience to kids and being a positive example to the community. It’s a combined effort from everyone.”