Baseball ends season against Cedar Park
The Lions ended their baseball season 8-6 overall and playing the Cedar Park Timberwolves in the wild card playoff game. While the season didn’t go as planned for the players and the coaches, they are still very proud on how they performed overall and shocked the district as a whole.
“[That was] the best way to end the season to me,” senior Jacob Potter said. “Playing a great game with all my teammates one last time.”
The Lions played the Dripping Springs Tigers last week. They played two games, but came out short the first game with a score of 0-6. Senior Cameron Castillo pitched in the game and junior Dayton Smith came in for Castillo in the 7th and shortly after, junior Matthew Grissom came in as well.
The second game went more of the Lions way with the final score being 2-0. Senior Joel Miller pitched that night with his defense backing him up all night long. The bats were more lively as well guaranteeing the victory. Stand out players were senior Joel Miller, senior Wylan Cary and senior Jason McCall.
“We gave it are all but it didn’t go as planned,” assistant coach Ruben Cano said. “If we do what we are supposed to do at practice tomorrow, we can definitely clutch a win against Drip.”
In order to move on however, the Lions played Cedar Park to try and move on in the playoffs on Saturday. The Lions fell with a final score of 0-5. Senior Cameron Castillo pitched again on Saturday and had over 20 strikeouts, but the Lions still could not put the bat on the ball marking the end for their season.
“I can’t be more proud of the guys even if I tried,” Head Coach Matt Grissom said. “They proved to the district and to themselves that they were worthy of calling themselves Lions and be up there with all the other teams in the past.”

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