Jack Densmore , Editor-in-Chief
Hello, my name is Jack Densmore. If I had the ability to be Liam Neeson for a day I would. Not only has he trained Obi-Wan Kenobi, but also Batman. Also I would have a special set of skills. If Hollywood made a movie of me, and if I couldn’t be cast as myself I would want Joseph Gordon Levitt to play me. I am currently writing an autobiography of my life and experiences. My favorite movie of all time is Tommy Boy, and my favorite book of all time is probably The Hobbit. My favorite sport is football which I played peewee football in elementary school, but I decided not to continue playing. A hobby I have is making YouTube videos. I make YouTube videos not only because it’s fun, but because I also get paid to basically play video games, edit the footage, and upload it which is awesome. I’m happiest when I’m with the people I care most about (my adviser, staff, friends, family). I wouldn’t be the same person without them, and I thank them all for making me who I am, and for helping me grow as a better person everyday.